Yep, if you haven't seen it, The Truman Show is one of Jim Carreys best movies, and it is all about finding out who you really are.
Are you the way you are because it is in your genes, or because you have been made that way by the people who surround you, or both, and what would you do if you found out your whole existence is a lie, shown to the world for entertainment.
If I don't see you, Good afternoon, Good evening and Go away, or something like that. |
But wait, there is another choice. Instead of finding out that you are in a world that revolves around you for the entertainment of others, you can find that your whole world is a lie, and that your real purpose in existing is as an energy source for a race of machines that keeps your mind a slave in a make believe world, or as you probably know it, The Matrix.
Oooowww, Its all green and sparkly, I wonder if it is minty fresh too? |
The Matrix has you, follow the white rabbit! These are the words that spark off the search for truth that leads Neo to find his world is just a virtual reality program that is used to keep human slaves happy while they are drained of their life.
Unlike Truman's world, were your life's purpose was to entertain, in the Matrix, you find that your life is a lie, but also that there is a war going on, and now you are a soldier on the front lines.
Ahh man, I hate being all sticky! |
So here is the choice, find out your life was all fake and now that you know you have to figure it out what to do, and where you fit in, or find that everything was all in your head and there are machines that want you dead. Sure, Truman's world seems easier, you just have to move on, yet basically everyone on the planet knows who you are and have seen you do everything, but there is not a way to take any real revenge, or have any sense of justice. While in the Matrix, sure, your life was a lie, but now you have someone to fight against, a battle that whether you win or lose, you at least tried and took some control back about what happened to you.
I thought I would just give you a glimpse of what it would be like if Jim Carrey was Neo. |
So, thats it, let me know which one you pick, and why, and remember, always aim for the head when fighting zombies, this really has nothing to do with this post, but is sound advice none the less. Stay cool and blog at you later.