In the first round of Pixar Smackdown, Toy Story went up against Monsters Inc. and it all came down to one vote. And the winner is........
Yep, Sully and Mike Wazowski won, receiving 5 votes to Buzz and Woody's 4, which means that only 9 votes were cast in total, which is really sad, but no matter, now we move on to the next round, and hopefully you might feel guilty enough to actually take the 3 seconds to click your choice on the right hand side. Now, onto this weeks Smackdown.
First up in Round 2 is Pixar's second film, about a dreamer that just wants to make life better for himself and those around him, and because he is different minded then, well... everybody, is often shunned for it. Of course I am talking about Flick, the wacky ant in, A Bug's Life.
Now quite often, when I end up talking to people about Pixar movies, I hear it said that A Bug's Life is their least favorite. Now saying this, people don't say it is a bad movie, but just it is at the
bottom of the list of Pixar movies. Now I for one do not feel this way. I have always had a soft spot for A Bug's Life. I think it has excellent voice work with Foley, Leary and Pierce all giving great and fun performances. It also has a kinda of Seven Samurai feel, (incase you have never seen Akira Kurosawa Seven Samurai or don't have a clue what I am talking about, feel free to click this link for the trailer once you have finished reading this post and voted) which makes it all the better. So since many find this to be the least of all Pixar movies, I decided that it should go up against the Pixar movie that I personally feel is their weakest, which is...
liked the way that food and cooking is viewed, and as with most Pixar movies, it has a great message about following your dreams, and looks amazing. Now like I said, you may feel differently about which one you like better, and I will repeat, this whole Smackdown thing is not about picking your favorite Pixar movie, but the best. So, which is the better movie, A Bug's Life, or Ratatouille. Again as with last time, feel free to give an answer in the comment section, but in order for your vote to count you have to put it in the poll on the right hand side of the page. It will remain open until Round 3 is up, so get voting, and remember, only vote once, or Jesus will unleash a bunch of ants riding rats to chase you around your living room, and you don't want that. So until next time, stay lemon fresh, and blog at you later.
Yep, Ratatouille. Now I know some of you are probably shocked, cause a lot of people loved Ratatouille, but I didn't. Now, I am not saying it is a bad movie, in fact, I think it is a very good movie, but as far as I am concerned it is the least best of Pixar's efforts. Saying that, rats have never looked so good, or cute, and I really
*Did you catch the pun that Sully makes in the picture, if you did your really smart, cause I didn't even mean to do it.
I've got to vote for A Bug's Life because I've never seen Ratatouille!